
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

10 Facts About Me!

Hello world! Since this is my first post, I decided to share 10 facts about me :) Here we go!

Fact # 1:
My most prized possession in the world is my hair. I have long, fourteen inch brown hair and I could never live without my hair. I've heard about lots of girls shaving their heads to support cancer, and yada yada yada, which I think is awesome! But i would nevernevernever! do that :D

Fact # 2:
I am almost legally blind. I wear extremely powerful contacts lenses, and I am basically blind without them. I cannot WAIT until I'm nineteen, the legal age when i can finally get LASIK eye surgery :) It would be soo awesome to never have to worry about contacts or glasses ever again! :)

Fact # 3:
I talk to myself all the time. It's just out of habit, and I can't help it :P But I get weird looks from people when I absentmindedly do it in public, so I really should try to stop. x)

Fact # 4:
I LOVE the beach :) In the summer I go there every chance I get. I love to swim, I love to lay out, and I love everything to do there :)

Fact # 5:
Relating to Fact 4, I HATE the winter and looove then summer. I hate the snow and I hate being cold. You can't do anything in the winter. In the summer you have swimming and tanning and no school and sleeping in and my birthday! :D

Fact # 6:
I eat very small and frequent meals. I ate just before I started blogging and by the time I'm done I will be starving and my stomach will start growling :P Like when I eat a sandwhich I will eat all around what I refer to as the "handle" and when I get to the "handle" I will be stuffed and can NOT eat it. "Anyone want my handle?" x)

Fact # 7:
I am very short for my age. I am four foot ten, and the average height for a girl my age is five foot three. :( I get teased a lot, but who the hell cares :)

Fact # 8:
I rarely ever eat breakfast food. I eat salad or leftover pizza for breakfast in the morning, but I don't eat waffles or pancakes or anything like that for breakfast.

Fact # 9:
I love tattoos and I want a lot. Most people are repulsed by tattoos, and I don't understand what's wrong with them :) I can't wait until I'm old enough to get my own, because I want a full sleeve and lots more... :D

Fact # 10:
I'm obsessed with junk food. I work out so it's not like I'm fat or anything, but I love it and I eat it all the time :) But I know how bad it is, so I try to limit myself...(which doesn't work out so well)

Well there ya have it! Thanks for reading, and stay tuned! :)

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