
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Nihongo o manabu!

Hello world! So I take Spanish classes, and they're almost finished. But I really liked learning a new language, so I decided to teach myself another one! And I decided...Japanese! It is definately the most spoken language in the business world, so it would totally come in handy. So thanks to Google Translate and "Japanese For Dummies", I've started practicing Japanese! Here's what I've studied so far:
Hi - Kon'nichiwa
How are you? - Dono yo nidesu ka?
What is your name? - Anata no namae wa nanidesu ka?
My name is... - Watashi no namae wa...
Nice to meet you - Anata ni aete ureshiidesu
Me too - Watashi mo
Mom - Mama
Dad - Otosan
Dog - Inu
Boy - Shonen
Girl - On'nanoko
What are you doing? - Anata wa nani o shite iru no?
Which do you like? - Anata wa dochira ga sukidesu ka?
Japanese - Nippon
English - Eigo
What would you like? - Anata wa nani o go kibodesu ka?
Where is the restroom? - Toire wa dokodesu ka?
Movie - Eiga
Please - Shite kudasai

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Road Trip!

Hello! I have exciting news, for Easter weekend I'm taking a road trip to Fort Drum! Ft. Drum is where my almost-stepdad lives in upstate New York. It's faar away and a really long drive! We bought DVD players for the rusty ol'  family car and lots of movies to watch on the way. I totally love taking road trips, and I can't wait for Easter! But my little brother isn't. I have no idea why, but he is terrified of the Easter Bunny. Not just the Easter Bunny, but all fake-characters parents invent. Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, Cupid, leprechauns, you name it. But I love to color eggs :) And spring break is almost over! Awww :'( I hate having to go back to school. But there's no sense in complaining I guess, so ta-ta for now!

My Stupidly Awesome Friends :)

Today I went out with all my friends. I love those guys and they say the stupidest awesomest things, so here's a little tribute to them.

Kayla: "Is Christmas in January or February???"

Nikki: "Oh my god, we should invent something just like a microwave, but instead of making things hot it should make them cold!"
Haley: "....You mean a refrigerator?"
Me: *uncontrollable laughter*

Me: "Do you want a drink?"
Haley: "Yes, I'll have a bottle of milk please."
Me: "Uhm.........what?"
Haley: "Wait, what?"

Kayla: "Why are there so many kids with shirts on from that college?"
Me: "What college?"
Kayla: "Hollister. It's in California."
Me: ".........."

Nikki: "A hair dryer for Christmas, I needed one! Thank you!"
Kayla: :"Your welcome!"
Nikki: "Who wants the first blowjob??"

Haley: "I never knew Japan was an island. I thought it was.......you know....attached to the rest of Canada."

XD Well thats all for now! Bye, readers of my blog!

Your Music Mood!

Hey to everyone! So I've been thinking about music lately. I was listening to some upbeat dance-y songs, and I noticed how much it changed my mood.For example, watch a horror movie like SCRE4M. (Scream 4, which I totally want to see!) During a suspensefull scene, mute the creepy background music and put on "Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears. Different,  right? And when you're in a bad mood, put on "Don't Worry, Be Happy". It's hard to be sad with such happy music on! Last, after a breakup or fight with your partner  if you put on sad love music like most Avril Lavigne songs, it just makes you way more sad about it. Its amazing how the beat and mood of our songs change the way we feel :) Well that's all for now! 'Till next time, wonderful people of the world!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

5 Reasons Why I Shouldn't Get Bangs Again (And 2 Reasons Why I Still Want Them)

Look at how pretty Lily Allen is with her long locks and chunky bangs.I look at photos like this and all I can think is -
Should I get bangs again?
I love bangs. They aren’t for everyone, and I know plenty of people who just should have never have gone there – but I love the look and once again find myself contemplating biting the bullet, and making the chop.But there are a number of reasons why this is totally and completely a bad decision. So many factors which should instantly change my mind and leave me shaking my head, wondering where the heck I got this crazy idea.So documented here, partially to set myself straight and partially to help any other girls out there (you know who you are) struggling with the same decision, are my top reasons for resisting the urge and not getting bangs.
   1.   Bangs are high maintenance. High maintenance hair is something to avoid if you’ re trying to save money – which I am. Trying. Really, really trying.
   2.   They have a mind of their own. I don’t have pin straight hair, nor is it likely that my curls are going to ever cooperate 100% of the time. Inevitably, there are days where no amount of time and effort will effectively tame an erratic section of hair.
   3.   As soon as I have bangs, I somehow end up subconsciously thinking I’m related to Ken Paves and can trim them in my bathroom. This usually doesn’t end well.
   4.   Trendy hairstyles come and go – and bangs have been back for a while now. It’s not out of the question that by the time summer roles around, they will be soooo very out.
   5.   I just spent ten months growing out my hair. If I get bangs, all that is out the window.
Hairstyle remorse happens – and I’d rather not fall victim to it right now.

But…if I did get bangs again, here are some of the perks:

   1.   Messy hair instantly looks styled. It just looks like you put a little more effort in when a loose ponytail is paired with “just tidy enough” bangs.
   2.  They still are trendy. Right now there’s nothing very fashionable about my hairstyle – this would be an improvement, even if only for a few months.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Native American Lawsuit?

Hello to my wonderful readers! Rissa here. It is currently eleven PM in this dingy townhouse dump I live in (which I love!). So I'm going to share some deliciously thoughtful thoughts I'm having at eleven PM. Firstoff, the other day I heard about some Native Americans trying to SUE Americans because they want their land back. When the pigrims first came to America, we stole the Indians' land. So I think it totally makes sense for the Indians to take a stand. After all, they were here first! But if they DID sue, and if they WON, where would we go?! I get that it's fair and all, but there are millions of people in America we have to worry about. So I won't take sides on this...for now. So I want to know, what do you guys think? Is it fair for them to ask for it back, or is it okay that we stole it because of our immense population? Leave a comment :) I love you all! L8ter. :D

10 Facts About Me!

Hello world! Since this is my first post, I decided to share 10 facts about me :) Here we go!

Fact # 1:
My most prized possession in the world is my hair. I have long, fourteen inch brown hair and I could never live without my hair. I've heard about lots of girls shaving their heads to support cancer, and yada yada yada, which I think is awesome! But i would nevernevernever! do that :D

Fact # 2:
I am almost legally blind. I wear extremely powerful contacts lenses, and I am basically blind without them. I cannot WAIT until I'm nineteen, the legal age when i can finally get LASIK eye surgery :) It would be soo awesome to never have to worry about contacts or glasses ever again! :)

Fact # 3:
I talk to myself all the time. It's just out of habit, and I can't help it :P But I get weird looks from people when I absentmindedly do it in public, so I really should try to stop. x)

Fact # 4:
I LOVE the beach :) In the summer I go there every chance I get. I love to swim, I love to lay out, and I love everything to do there :)

Fact # 5:
Relating to Fact 4, I HATE the winter and looove then summer. I hate the snow and I hate being cold. You can't do anything in the winter. In the summer you have swimming and tanning and no school and sleeping in and my birthday! :D

Fact # 6:
I eat very small and frequent meals. I ate just before I started blogging and by the time I'm done I will be starving and my stomach will start growling :P Like when I eat a sandwhich I will eat all around what I refer to as the "handle" and when I get to the "handle" I will be stuffed and can NOT eat it. "Anyone want my handle?" x)

Fact # 7:
I am very short for my age. I am four foot ten, and the average height for a girl my age is five foot three. :( I get teased a lot, but who the hell cares :)

Fact # 8:
I rarely ever eat breakfast food. I eat salad or leftover pizza for breakfast in the morning, but I don't eat waffles or pancakes or anything like that for breakfast.

Fact # 9:
I love tattoos and I want a lot. Most people are repulsed by tattoos, and I don't understand what's wrong with them :) I can't wait until I'm old enough to get my own, because I want a full sleeve and lots more... :D

Fact # 10:
I'm obsessed with junk food. I work out so it's not like I'm fat or anything, but I love it and I eat it all the time :) But I know how bad it is, so I try to limit myself...(which doesn't work out so well)

Well there ya have it! Thanks for reading, and stay tuned! :)